More Eugene Convention

We were offering up our flash special all weekend by selecting a handful of our favorite sheets to bring with us & doing them for $150 all weekend. The response was positive, and we luckily got to adorn many in attendance with our flash tattoos as well as originals. One of our favorite parts about conventions is the company, & getting to reunite with old friends we don’t get to see often enough. In the photo above you see Mike V. tattooing Dave while the great Ross Ferrie of Acme Tattoo watches over the application. This weekend was Joel’s first convention as a tattooer and he hit the ground running right from the start, as he quickly was asked to tattoo one of our flash designs. Everything went well minus a blown capacitor on a machine borrowed from Ross. Ross is currently repairing said machine while enjoying his plaque he received for best large traditional.

Tattoo by Joel.